FIPO BIOTECH empresa de ingenieria y proyectos

viernes, 28 de diciembre de 2018

Ultrasound Technology FIPO biotech

Emergency technology

Milk and Beverage bacteria inactivation

The application of ultrasound to conventional food and beverage processes has the potential to provide significant benefits to industry such as possible cost savings and improved product properties.

Moreover, the appeal of ultrasound as a processing technique has been regarded safe compared to other green emerging technologies.

Over the past few years, the properties of US have aroused increasing interest in the food industry, as the induction of physical and chemical reactions can lead to a strategic advantage in the various stages of processing.

Currently, US is considered an emerging and promising technology in the food processing industry, since it produces permanent mechanical, chemical and biochemical changes in liquids (due to intense cavitation) and gases (for the generation of high intensity acoustic fields).

In FIPO biotech we design, with our own technology, the specific ultrasounds equipments to eliminate the load of bacterias / somatic cells.

Our equipment allows working in cold conditions.

This gives greater security when processing large quantities of product since it reduces the bacteria & somatic load during the storage time.

send us an email to advance your particular need.

#ultrasound #sounds #lubricants #automotive #research #environment #CleanWater #WaterFacts #fatsoilsgrease #industry #wastewater #research #coast #mussels #clamps #squids #circulareconomy #Oceanografía #pollution #savewater #biotech #reverse #osmosis #milk #whey #concentration

2019’s Most Successful Beverages


Consumers are increasingly turning to functional beverages in addition to, or as a replacement for, supplements to obtain beneficial ingredients in their diets. Educated consumers are seeking out beverage ingredients with benefits that fulfill their individual needs. Nootropics, antioxidants, adaptogens, and “energy boosters,” such as MCT, CBD, vitamin C, and citrulline, are being perceived as beneficial.
New or novel ingredients are more quickly adopted than in the past due to easy access to information via the internet. Consumers are looking at not only what is in the bottle or can, but what those specific ingredients are doing for them.  This trend is present in the emergence of wellness shots -small bottles containing doses of various herbs and ingredients with different health and wellness benefits.

#dairy #proteins #environment #CleanWater #WaterFacts #fatsoilsgrease #industry #wastewater #research #coast #mussels #clamps #squids #circulareconomy #Oceanografía #pollution #savewater #biotech #reverse #osmosis #milk #whey #concentration

GRUPO biotech

GRUPO  CA biotech  & ©FIPO biotech soluciones innovadoras  is a engineering company for the realization of the preliminary co-work of the preliminary project involved meetings with the client to define well the objectives to be achieved, subsequently develops plans, layout, implementation and finally construction of the approved equipment, commissioning and delivery. Optionally our technologists are involved to finish giving the organoleptic characteristics to the final product.

If you want updated information, subscribe to our address:

Galicia, Spain
Tlfn + 34 886 30 94 35  /

#environment #CleanWater #WaterFacts #fatsoilsgrease #industry #wastewater #research #coast #mussels #clamps #squids #circulareconomy #Oceanografía #pollution #savewater #biotech #reverse #osmosis #milk #whey #concentration

martes, 11 de diciembre de 2018





milk can be defined as a functional food because it adapts to the definition "any food or food ingredient that can provide a health benefit over the traditional nutrients it contains".

#milk #whey #Colostrum #Pasteurization #equipment #thermal #UHT #HTST #farms #dairy #concentration #reverse #nanofiltration

viernes, 7 de diciembre de 2018

Smart Water Use / Is important and easy


World water development 

        For your industrial water consumption, we have the developed equipments equipped with a wide range of sensors with digital and analog signals, so that you can monitor in real time all parameters that you need opportune, receiving the alarms so much at central level as in your cell phone.

            In this way the parameters (temperatures, flows, consumption of kw / water by rooms or offices, ratios ...) are handled and recorded and allows real-time action to be taken to solve the activated alarms, either directly or in parallel, to the person in charge of the section, and recording the times and actions taken.

Best regards

#environment #CleanWater #WaterFacts #fatsoilsgrease #industry #wastewater #research #coast #mussels #clamps #squids #circulareconomy #Oceanografía #pollution #savewater #biotech #reverse #osmosis #milk #whey #concentration

sábado, 24 de noviembre de 2018

Mejillones, Calamares, almejas, Atún… aguas de desarenado, desbarbado, proceso, balsinas…

En estos procesos se consumen altas cantidades de agua, que son fácilmente recuperables para proceso y bajo la normativa CE de aguas de proceso.

#mejillones #balsinas #desbarbado #desarenado #cocción #aguas #olores #amoniaco #depuración

Twitter @0160fipobiotech

miércoles, 21 de noviembre de 2018


isolation, characterization and applications

Casein, Globulin and albumin in milk.

Updated isolation and applications technology.

In the industrialized world, functional foods have become a part of an everyday diet and are demonstrated to offer potential health benefits.

When people drink milk, digestive juices break down the casein into protein pieces called casein peptides.

Casein peptides can also be made by the industries and marketed as dietary #supplements in #fitness and #sport #nutrition.

With our membrane systems (see photo attached) @FIPO biotech, we do the fractionation of each type of protein for the most effective production of these functional products of greater or lesser bioavailability.

Our experience in supplying membrane solutions allow to work in conditions of very  low process temperatures (<8ºc)

 Construction under the different regulations FDA, CE, 3A, Pharma.

Products focused on the range of:
• Baby-food products.
• Fast products and high digestibility, which gives an immediate source of energy.
• Reduction of hypertension……
#Albumin #Globulin and #Caseins are the main #proteins in milk

martes, 20 de noviembre de 2018

A1 milk versus A2 milk.

The real problem with milk and dairy might not be lactose.
The a2 Milk Co. reports rising demand in U.S.

Ordinary cows’ milk contains a mix of two main types of beta-casein proteins, A1 and A2 protein. Published research suggests that a2 Milk may help avoid stomach discomfort in some people sensitive to these proteins. That’s because a2 Milk contains only the A2 protein type and no A1 protein. A2 Milk products include whole, 2% reduced fat, chocolate 2% reduced fat and 1% low fat.

#milk #casein #lactose #biotech #enviroment #global #water #environment #technology #waste #membrane #FIPObiotech #ecology #nature #footprint

martes, 16 de octubre de 2018

The Science of Membrane Technology to Further Enhance Oil Recovery Oil Recovery from Water It is increasingly necessary to optimize water consumption and reduce oily wastewater discharges from ships and industrial activities can have serious environmental impacts with potentially greater economic impacts. Current techniques of FIPO biotech offer a new route to potentially remedy contamination by oils.

lunes, 15 de octubre de 2018

From 2018 to 2025
Dairy Equipment Market to Set Phenomenal Growth
Asia-Pacific     Middle East       Europe .....

       The report provides in-depth comprehensive analysis for regional segments that covers North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Middle East and Africa and Rest of World in Global Outlook Report with Market definitions, classifications, manufacturing processes, cost structures, development policies and plans. 

        The facts and data are well presented in the report using diagrams, graphs, pie charts, and other pictorial representations with respect to its Current Trends, Dynamics, and Business Scope & Key Statistics.
#homogenizers #membrane #filtration #blending #evaporators #dryer #pasteurizers

Tangential membranes with oils.
How it works..

Sanguazas / aguas de bombeo

La actividad pesquera al tener un consumo importante de aguas generando efluentes (agua de bombeo, sanguaza, agua de cola, efluentes de limpieza), procesos a nivel mundial, para los que ya hoy en día existen equipos para la revalorización de las diferentes aguas de proceso, que al fin y al cabo son recursos, no vertidos.
Esta recuperación tiene además el valor añadido de la reducción de las cargas de DQO/DBO5 que generan.
La gama de equipos FIPO biotech es la idónea para las líneas de proceso en las que se precisa un alto grado de concentración y purificación de partículas solubles, con/sin la necesidad de desbacterizar en frío y/o higienización.
#Sanguazas #aguas  #fishmeal #piensos #ambiental

Native Proteins Vs Whey Proteins
Protein Isolated Vs Hydrolyzed Proteins

Whey concentrate
Whey protein made from curds leftovers by the cheesemaking process.
Includes more beneficial bioactive nutrients than isolates and hydrolyzed proteins, but usually contains less protein per serving
Native Protein Concentrate
Whey protein made directly from milk and not a byproduct of cheese of cheesemaking.
Considered “undenatured” due to it being the purest form of whey due to it undergoing a single pasteurization and not being the purest form of whey due to it undergoing a single pasteurization and not being a part pf the cheesemaking process. (Best)

Native Protein Isolated
Concentrates that have been processed to remove fat and lactose. Usually consisting of 90% protein, isolates contain less bioactive compounds due to being stripped of nearly all the nutrition other than protein so it can be marketed as a higher percent protein compared to concentrate.
Nowadays, FIPO biotech produce this by Diafiltration and Close filtration.

Hydrolyzed whey Protein;
“Predigested” protein that has been broken down into smaller compounds and sols as an “faster absorbing” protein. Nowadays, FIPO biotech produce this predigestion by immobilized enzymes.

sábado, 13 de octubre de 2018

Native Proteins Vs Whey Proteins
Protein Isolated Vs Hydrolyzed Proteins

Whey concentrate
Whey protein made from curds leftovers by the cheesemaking process.

Native Protein Concentrate; protein made directly from milk and not a byproduct of cheese of cheesemaking.

Native Protein Isolated
Concentrates that have been processed to remove fat and lactose. Usually consisting of 90% protein, isolates contain less bioactive compounds due to being stripped of nearly all the nutrition other than protein so it can be marketed as a higher percent protein compared to concentrate.
This is usually done by traditional methods exposing whey to chemicals and/or acid processing. Nowadays, FIPO biotech produce this by Diafiltration and Close filtration © FIPO biotech
Isolate are also not easy for your body to assimilate, if it can at all.

Hydrolyzed whey Protein
“Predigested” protein that has been broken down into smaller compounds and sols as an “faster absorbing” protein.
This is usually done by traditional methods exposing the whey to acid and / or heat to breakdown amino acids. Nowadays, FIPO biotech produce this predigestion by immobilized enzymes.