FIPO BIOTECH empresa de ingenieria y proyectos

sábado, 13 de octubre de 2018

Native Proteins Vs Whey Proteins
Protein Isolated Vs Hydrolyzed Proteins

Whey concentrate
Whey protein made from curds leftovers by the cheesemaking process.

Native Protein Concentrate; protein made directly from milk and not a byproduct of cheese of cheesemaking.

Native Protein Isolated
Concentrates that have been processed to remove fat and lactose. Usually consisting of 90% protein, isolates contain less bioactive compounds due to being stripped of nearly all the nutrition other than protein so it can be marketed as a higher percent protein compared to concentrate.
This is usually done by traditional methods exposing whey to chemicals and/or acid processing. Nowadays, FIPO biotech produce this by Diafiltration and Close filtration © FIPO biotech
Isolate are also not easy for your body to assimilate, if it can at all.

Hydrolyzed whey Protein
“Predigested” protein that has been broken down into smaller compounds and sols as an “faster absorbing” protein.
This is usually done by traditional methods exposing the whey to acid and / or heat to breakdown amino acids. Nowadays, FIPO biotech produce this predigestion by immobilized enzymes.

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