FIPO BIOTECH empresa de ingenieria y proyectos

martes, 20 de febrero de 2018

Water resources & Stress

In practically all industrial sectors, the improvement in water consumption and the discharges generated is encouraged.

Since 1999, the use of industrial water accounted for 5 to 10% of global freshwater withdrawals

It is important to review both what is related to international rules, supported by the "Drinkable reuse: guidelines" regulation, which greatly facilitates the advance in the reduction of water stress.

Water savings can be achieved in the industry through a combination of improved concepts of industrial water types, modification and / or replacement of equipment with low water consumption equipment to reduce overall water consumption and increase internal reuse.

To ensure strategies, optimize water and minimize costs, it is important to evaluate current water use and set objectives.

Reducing industrial water consumption is a means to address the global water crisis.

This fact sheet provides a general description of how to save and use water more efficiently in industries.

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