FIPO BIOTECH empresa de ingenieria y proyectos

martes, 20 de febrero de 2018

Products for sports performance improvement

  Nowadays, a important  in the dairy industries worldwide is both the continuous improvement in the production ratios, as well as the reduction of the different fractions of fat and protein that are produced in the process lines and the generation of new products. functional and prebiotic.

  With FIPO biotech equipments, we separate the caseinic protein for the other soluble proteins and amino acids and / or bioactive peptides

  It allows to work both cold and hot.

  Our equipments are done under the different regulations FDA, CE, 3A, Pharma.

  And focused on the product range of:
1.      Baby-food products
2.      Natural fast bio available products, which gives an immediate source of energy

3.      Basically they are products with modification in the content of caseinic proteins, minerals, lactoferrin, lactoperoxidase, phospholipids, peptides, glucosamines, lysozyme, folate, etc.
4.      Products for sports performance improvement.
5.      Products for improvements in physiological processes.
6.      Products with a higher content of Albumin & IGG & Transferrin
7.      Products for medical nutrition.

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