FIPO BIOTECH empresa de ingenieria y proyectos

martes, 27 de febrero de 2018

Energía limpia
Un nuevo dispositivo consigue producir energía limpia diez veces más rápido que la biomasa
La función de las plantas ha inspirado la creación de un nuevo dispositivo que permite acumular el dióxido de carbono (CO2) para transformarlo en biocombustible. Investigadores del Departamento de Ingeniería Química de la URV (Catalunya, España) liderados por Ricard Garcia-Valls, del grupo de investigación Meteorgrup, han imitado el proceso natural de la fotosíntesis y la han mejorado en el laboratorio. Con esta investigación han logrado desarrollar un prototipo que hace una fotosíntesis que podría mejorar el modelo natural: aumentaría de cuatro a diez veces más la capacidad de acumulación de CO2 respecto a las hojas de los árboles, permitiría obtener un compuesto concreto y la velocidad de producción de energía sería, como mínimo, diez veces más rápido que la biomasa.

Los árboles absorben el CO2 presente en el aire, que penetra a través de los poros de las hojas, llamados estomas. Observando este modelo, los investigadores han diseñado una membrana con estomas artificiales, unos poros de tamaño controlado a los que han aplicado unos compuestos que, en contacto con el agua, hacen que las moléculas de CO2 queden atrapadas sobre la superficie.

Is milk without lactose the same as milk without sugars? (glucose)

Principal Differences 

©FIPO biotech Innovative Solutions offers equipments to produce this kind of products in a natural way. . Dairy manufacturers can make lactose free versions of milk and other dairy products By chemical methods or by natural methods. Lactose free and delactosed dairy products are not equal. Learning the difference is important

Cold debacterization

Relationship between temperature pasteurization and nutritional value of food

In the modern era of health consciousness, consumers are well aware regarding health and consequently about food components. Consumers demand foods which are natural, nutritionally better, free from chemical preservatives and microbiologically safe with extended shelf-life

jueves, 22 de febrero de 2018

Scale-up research equipments

Since 1989, FIPO biotech and its GRUPO  CA biotech  has designed and developed pilot plants that bridge the gap between bench-scale chemistry and commercial manufacturing.

            With over 340 completed projects, we are the largest and most successful pilot plant design and fabrication specialist in the world.

            Our unique  methodology for project execution  and purpose-built, integrated design-build facilities supply pilot plants that enable the scale-up and development of innovative process technology.

            FIPO biotech  engineers and craft technicians take pride in translating our customers’ process technology into fully automated, working pilot plants.

             We provide specific equipment, control and instrumentation solutions across a wide variety of industries, customizing each pilot plant to deliver the necessary research results.


martes, 20 de febrero de 2018

Products for sports performance improvement

  Nowadays, a important  in the dairy industries worldwide is both the continuous improvement in the production ratios, as well as the reduction of the different fractions of fat and protein that are produced in the process lines and the generation of new products. functional and prebiotic.

  With FIPO biotech equipments, we separate the caseinic protein for the other soluble proteins and amino acids and / or bioactive peptides

  It allows to work both cold and hot.

  Our equipments are done under the different regulations FDA, CE, 3A, Pharma.

  And focused on the product range of:
1.      Baby-food products
2.      Natural fast bio available products, which gives an immediate source of energy

3.      Basically they are products with modification in the content of caseinic proteins, minerals, lactoferrin, lactoperoxidase, phospholipids, peptides, glucosamines, lysozyme, folate, etc.
4.      Products for sports performance improvement.
5.      Products for improvements in physiological processes.
6.      Products with a higher content of Albumin & IGG & Transferrin
7.      Products for medical nutrition.

More information in:



Water resources & Stress

In practically all industrial sectors, the improvement in water consumption and the discharges generated is encouraged.

Since 1999, the use of industrial water accounted for 5 to 10% of global freshwater withdrawals

It is important to review both what is related to international rules, supported by the "Drinkable reuse: guidelines" regulation, which greatly facilitates the advance in the reduction of water stress.

Water savings can be achieved in the industry through a combination of improved concepts of industrial water types, modification and / or replacement of equipment with low water consumption equipment to reduce overall water consumption and increase internal reuse.

To ensure strategies, optimize water and minimize costs, it is important to evaluate current water use and set objectives.

Reducing industrial water consumption is a means to address the global water crisis.

This fact sheet provides a general description of how to save and use water more efficiently in industries.

With any doubt, we are at your disposal
Wine & beer clarification

Because the clarity of wine is the first visual sign of the quality of the wine by consumers, it is important for wine-makers to produce wine that is free of obscurities and microbiologically stabilized. 

©FIPO biotech can be implemented in the wine-making process to clarify the wine and reduce the turbidity levels to <2 NTU, the requirement set for its production.

One of the most established methods used to clarify wine is to filter the wine with diatomaceous earth (DE). 

The disadvantage of using DE filters is that the exhausted substrate is considered a hazardous material which involves additional maintenance costs and disposal charges. 

Cross-flow microfiltration has become a practical alternative to this, as it can maintain the flavor, aroma, color and clarity of the wine, and provide a higher quality and recovery rate as opposed to the traditional clarification methods.

In addition, wine-makers are able to save on capital costs for the company since one membrane can be used to filter multiple types of wine, since the required pore size to remove turbidity in the wine is about the same for each type.

viernes, 16 de febrero de 2018

Suero / concentración en pequeñas y medias queserías

Una de las principales problemas en la empresas pequeñas/medianas, es la dificultad de realizar un proyecto de recuperación del suero por su alta inversión.

Actualmente hemos desarrollado equipos dimensionados para este perfil de empresas, lo que hace viable este tipo de inversiones.

Las principales ventajas de un proceso de concentración  son:

Bajo coste de concentración; el coste de concentración es de 0,60 € /TN de suero entero. Se incluye energía, mano de obra, detergentes etc....
Agua; es genera un 70-80% en agua del volumen inicial de suero.
Robustez; Permite trabajar tanto con suero entero como desnatado
Tamaño; Se construyen al caudal y dimensiones especificas para cada cliente.
 Inversión; es importante tener en cuenta que la recuperación de la inversión es inferior a 1 año.
 Agua; permite recuperar la propia agua presente en el suero.

jueves, 15 de febrero de 2018

Protein beverage

                 We have the know-how and equipment for the production of protein drinks starting from 100% of vegetables, without undesirable aftertastes.

                 It is basically the same production line of craft beer, but in this case, it would be for the production of sports beverages, which mainly seek a low protein drink in combination with a high level of protein hydrolysis, to improve the molecular weight distribution of peptides and aminoacids for this application.

     Fermented (hydrolyzed) lupine seeds are filtered and mixed with other non-alcoholic beverages as required by the market

                 The manufacturing process is similar to traditional facytories  and uses devices such as maceration tanks or fermentation tanks, which already exist in each factory.

     Therefore, no additional large investments are required.

     Small factories can promote this health product for a growing market as it is a refreshing drink as a cold drinks, high in protein and 100% alcohol-free.

     This lupine drink is the ideal after-sports drink, isotonic, low calorie and tasty.

     It is comparable to the usual protein drink (dairy or egg) usual in the field of sports practice, with the advantage that it is produced from plants and therefore free from lactose and 100% vegan.

If you wish to advance in this subject, please tell us why we can introduce you to collaborators in the fitness & Gyms sector that are always looking for new products.

miércoles, 14 de febrero de 2018

         Due to the nature of its activity, the metal-mechanic industrial sector is one of the main consumers of lubricating oils, frequently used as fluids that facilitate lubrication and cooling in the different types of cutting, drills, molding and mechanical treatment of metals.

         The main example of this type of use of industrial oil are the so-called drill lubricants, oil with water emulsions.

         In relation to the increasing need to reduce water consumption and also the volumes of spillage, indicate that at the time you wish we advance in the existing options especially in the updates of the updated rules of industrial water reuse and reduction of BOD5 / COD.

             With any doubt, we approach and discuss it. Information related to this topic can be reviewed in;

martes, 13 de febrero de 2018

Prácticamente en todos los sectores industriales se incentiva la mejora en los consumos de agua y los vertidos generados.

            Desde de 1999, el uso de agua industrial representó del 5 al 10% de las extracciones mundiales de agua dulce

            Es importante revisar tanto lo relacionado con el RD 1620 2007, como los actuales RD apoyados por la normativa de “Reutilización potable: directrices”, lo que facilita en gran medida el avance en la reducción del estrés hídrico.

            El ahorro de agua se puede lograr en la industria a través de una combinación de la mejora en los conceptos de los tipos de aguas industriales, modificación y / o reemplazo de equipos con equipos de bajo consumo de agua para reducir el consumo general de agua y aumentar la reutilización interna.
            Para asegurar las estrategias, optimizar el agua y minimizar los costos, es importante evaluar el uso actual del agua y establecer objetivos.

            La reducción del consumo de agua industrial es un medio para abordar la crisis mundial del agua.
            Esta hoja informativa brinda una descripción general de cómo ahorrar y usar el agua de manera más eficiente en las industrias. 

                        Con cualquier duda, estamos a su disposición

domingo, 11 de febrero de 2018

Protein beverage

We have the know-how and equipment for the production of protein drinks starting from 100% of vegetables, without undesirable aftertastes.

It is basically the same production line of craft beer, but in this case, it would be for the production of sports beverages, which mainly seek a low protein drink in combination with a high level of protein hydrolysis, to improve the molecular weight distribution of peptides and aminoacids for this application.

Fermented (hydrolyzed) lupine seeds are filtered and mixed with other alcohol / non-alcoholic beverages as required by the market

The manufacturing process is similar to brewing and uses devices such as maceration tanks, lauter or fermentation tanks, which already exist in each brewery.

This lupine drink is the ideal after-sports drink, isotonic, low calorie and tasty.

It is comparable to the usual protein drink (dairy or egg) usual in the field of sports practice, with the advantage that it is produced from plants and therefore free from lactose and 100% vegan.

If you wish to advance in this subject, please tell us why we can introduce you to collaborators in the fitness & Gyms sector that are always looking for new products.
Egg white, yolk and whole eggs industries
      The concentration of egg white is a common requirement, either to save on energy costs of subsequent drying or to reduce the cost of transportation in bulk.
      The whipping properties of egg white are attributable to the ease with which the protein molecules can unwind around entrained air.
      As a consequence , great care is required when processing the egg white to prevent damage to the protein.
      Typical composition of egg white is 88% water, 10.5% protein, 0.1% fat, 1.0% minerals and 0.5% (carbohydrate).
      In FIPO biotech we can work with egg white, yolk and whole eggs.
      Washable filer screens of baskets of around 50-100 microns retention should be sufficient to achieve this and will also serve to remove other particulate or shell remnants that still remain from upstream processing
      This process is one of the many application in the food and beverage industry that utilize membrane separation products in FIPO biotech.
      Since 1996 FIPO biotech Group has worked in partnership to develop filtration, separation and purification solutions with manufactures in critical industries that include Bio Pharmaceutical, Healthcare, food and beverage and biotechnologies
      FIPO biotech is a technology division of Global CA biotech.
Native hydrolyzed protein

      With our updated membrane technology we facilitate the production of  FPC FPI (fish protein) and its hydrolyzed.

      During this simple process, different products are produced; oils, proteins and/or essential amino acids & peptides.

      These fish peptides have high bioavailability and other properties for health, not found in other protein sources.

      On the other hand and as an added value, other stream is recovered water to reuse in the industry, which is nowadays important for reducing the environmental impact.

These products are more and more required in sports nutrition market.

Uso "tradicional" y uso racional del agua

     ¿Hay opciones para reducir los consumos de agua?

     Para que puedan verificar en sus instalaciones las diferentes opciones y trabajar bajo las normativas vigentes, disponemos de los equipos para poder tratar las aguas para los diferentes usos que se les vaya a dar y según la última actualización del 2017 de la OMS y RD 2007, para la reutilización de aguas y reducción del estrés hídrico.

     En las industrias y a lo largo de estos años vemos que en muchos casos el uso "tradicional" del agua, no nos permite ver que cambiando poco, podemos hacer un uso "racional", lo que reduce en mas de un 80% los consumos actuales.

     El reciclaje y reuso de agua puede disminuir de manera importante el estrés hídrico
     La falta de un uso adecuado de cada tipo de aguas, puede causar el deterioro de la salud del ecosistema
     En apoyo disponemos tanto del equipo piloto como del personal tecnólogo en estas aplicaciones.


lunes, 5 de febrero de 2018

Protein & lactose production

Recovery  sweet and acid whey all over the Nile Delta, Egypt.

Target; production of whey powder, whey protein concentrated and edible lactose.

         We have all the study of engineering, quantities, costs, payback ... for the recovery of more than one million liters per day of whey in the Nile delta area

If you are interested in this project, please contact us at;

viernes, 2 de febrero de 2018

Renewable energy

                Scientists around the world are looking into how to use solar energy directly in order to produce renewable fuels by mimicking photosynthesis in plants

These man-made ‘leaves’ will require membranes with very sophisticated properties, including:
·         mixed proton-electron conductivity;
·         permeability to gases;
·         mechanical robustness; and
·         optical transparency.

jueves, 1 de febrero de 2018

Reutilizacion Aguas Grises. Depuracion. Tratamientos del agua

Que Stevia en polvo puedo comprar. Producción de Edulcorantes sin aditivos

Producción en continuo

Quesos frescos, mozzarella, tiernos, semimadurados y duros

Producción continua de tipos de quesos frescos, cuajadas, cheddar y de pasta hilada fundidos y mezclados.
Son equipos totalmente cerradas
Diseñada para estandarizar la proteína, desuerar por membranas, desuerar en cuba/tina, acidificar, dar textura, vaciado para obtener uniformidad en peso y textura.
