FIPO BIOTECH empresa de ingenieria y proyectos

lunes, 25 de noviembre de 2019

Global Whey Protein Market 2019 – 2020

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According to the report The Global Market for Whey and Lactose Ingredients 2017–21, the global whey protein (powder and concentrate) market grew at a CAGR of around 4% during 2010–17 reaching a volume of 4.1 million metric tons in 2017.

At constant 2017 prices, the market value is forecasted to surpass US$9 billion by 2021, corresponding to average annual growth of 4%.

The global market value for pharmaceutical and conventional lactose, which is typically obtained as co-product to whey proteins, along with permeate powder increased to almost US$2.3 billion in 2016, also benefitting from recovering prices, and is expected to reach US$2.7 billion in 2021, implying a compounded annual growth rate of 4% over the forecast period at constant prices.

A clear product trend of adding value to the whey pool has become apparent as high-end protein products, that is, WPC80, WPI, as well as demineralized WP90,

#protein #biotech #dairy #milk #WPC #WPI

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