FIPO BIOTECH empresa de ingenieria y proyectos

lunes, 28 de enero de 2019

Alternative Feedstuffs for Ruminants

Depending on the particular situation of some cheese factories, it is possible to give an profit outlet to the whey for the production of liquid feedstuffs with high content of digestible protein, covering more than 80% of the forage units needed in the daily formulation of the feed.

With this you obtain:
- Reduces traditional feeding costs 3 times.
- from the soluble whey protein, a liquid feedstuff is generated for animals with a very high nutritional value.
- Recovery of cheese whey, avoiding the environmental problem
- improvement ;
-) the content (%) of fat / protein quality of the milk (in the case of milking animals)
-) liters per lactation period.
-) physiological state of the animal
- Ensures and eliminates problems related to, sometimes, bad quality of traditional feedstuffs, when there is no certainty of traceability.
- Eliminates inhibitor problems (antibiotics) from traditional feed
- Facilities for a fast payback of the investment.
- No further treatment of these feedstuffs is necessary for use on the farm
- Simple handling of the installation

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