FIPO BIOTECH empresa de ingenieria y proyectos

jueves, 20 de septiembre de 2018

Egg Proteins

Egg white, yolk and whole eggs industries

The concentration of egg white is a common requirement, either to save on energy costs of subsequent drying or to reduce the cost of transportation in bulk.

The whipping properties of egg white are attributable to the ease with which the protein molecules can unwind around entrained air.

As a consequence , great care is required when processing the egg white to prevent damage to the protein.

Typical composition of egg white is 88% water, 10.5% protein, 0.1% fat, 1.0% minerals and 0.5% (carbohydrate).

In FIPO biotech we can work with egg white, yolk and whole eggs.
Washable filer screens of baskets of around 50-100 microns retention should be sufficient to achieve this and will also serve to remove other particulate or shell remnants that still remain from upstream processing

This process is one of the many application in the food and beverage industry that utilize membrane separation products in FIPO biotech.

FIPO biotech is a technology division of Global CA biotech.

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