FIPO BIOTECH empresa de ingenieria y proyectos

lunes, 30 de octubre de 2017

Protein powder specifically for seniors’ muscles. 
Here’s why  When you think of protein powder, you often think of
body builders with bulky muscles and chiseled chests. But what about seniors?
Canadian scientists out of McMaster University created a ready-to-drink formula that’s a protein supplement specifically for seniors. Keep in mind, it’s this segment of the population that’s grappling with weakening bones and loss of muscle mass – the doctors are hopeful their protein powder will stop muscle deterioration, handing the elderly more strength and mobility.

sábado, 28 de octubre de 2017

World Protein consumption    Structure of native and denatured proteins    The most significant change that may occurs during the purification of proteins and peptides, is denaturalization.     It is the loss of certain highly specific properties by the native protein.    Specific differences between members of a series of related native proteins and specific enzymatic activities of native proteins disappear on denaturation.            We hope you are interested and do not hesitate to ask us for more information at

Consultoria Asesoramiento ingeniería de proyectos

Reutilización de las aguas Huella hídrica sello verde

miércoles, 25 de octubre de 2017

       From FIPO biotech can help to who carry out kw and water audits and are involved with managing water use.
       It presents simple benchmarks for kws & water use and effluent load discharged for all kind of industries.
       We work with separate tables for each sector contain minimum,
maximum, average, lower quartile and upper quartile values, while graphs of key performance indicators from different industries allow to
see how well they are performing.

All data are provided for more than 30 years of experience.

       We can also provide kws &  water saving tips and details of useful contacts.

Consultoria Asesoramiento ingeniería de proyectos

sábado, 21 de octubre de 2017

How marine algae could help feed the world

Microalgae (shown here, Haematococcus) convert water and carbon dioxide to oxygen and nutritious biomass in the presence of light. Credit: Algaennovation, CC BY Our planet faces a growing food crisis. According to the United Nations, more than 800 million people are regularly undernourished. By 2050, an additional 2 to 3 billion new guests will join the planetary dinner table.
Process water Reuse in Industry
      Process water reuse in industry can take place within a business or between businesses and has the potential to reduce costs for businesses both on water bills as well as wastewater treatment.

        Depending on the contaminants present in all these types of waters its future reuse, it can either be directly reused, or treated and reused (recycled).

Modular small factories & Ecological               We attach information to pre-assembled modular plants          As you can imagine, carefully planned and pre-assembled modular factories render waste management an exact science. Many modular factories omes reduce waste to 10% or less, which conserves the environment and saves money for the buyers.          Because these  are buildings are factory made, measurements are precise.          Large pieces fit together like an erector set, whereupon the house is sealed tightly to conserve energy and potentially save a owner thousands of dollars every year.

sábado, 14 de octubre de 2017


                        Cada día al ser más crítico el nivel de rendimientos y productividad de los equipos, en FIPO biotech  seguimos desarrollando y mejorando nuestros equipos, y en la actualidad como ejemplo tenemos trabajando unidades para adaptarnos a las nuevas especificaciones técnicas que nos requieren los clientes para aplicaciones en clarificacion de jugos, azucar de caña,  Stevia, inulina, FOS, GOS, Betaina etc..

        Esto supone un gran ahorro en los sistemas tradicionales

        Realizamos los diferentes procesos de extracción y purificación usando métodos ecosotenibles, sin el uso de productos químicos.

        Si precisan mas información;
Protein beverage

We have the know-how and equipment for the production of protein drinks starting from 100% of vegetables, without undesirable aftertastes.

It is basically the same production line of craft beer, but in this case, it would be for the production of sports beverages, which mainly seek a low protein drink in combination with a high level of protein hydrolysis, to improve the molecular weight distribution of peptides and aminoacids for this application.

Fermented (hydrolyzed) lupine seeds are filtered and mixed with other alcohol / non-alcoholic beverages as required by the market

The manufacturing process is similar to brewing and uses devices such as maceration tanks, lauter or fermentation tanks, which already exist in each brewery.

Therefore, no additional large investments are required.

This lupine drink is the ideal after-sports drink, isotonic, low calorie and tasty. It is free from lactose and 100% vegan.

If you wish to advance in this product, please tell us why we can introduce you to collaborators in the Fitness & Gyms sector that are always looking for new products.

Is Stevia Safe? Is Stevia Bad? Ecological Stevia Extract 95%

viernes, 13 de octubre de 2017

Protein beverage

We have the know-how and equipment for the production of protein drinks starting from 100% of vegetables, without undesirable aftertastes.

It is basically the same production line of craft beer, but in this case, it would be for the production of sports beverages, which mainly seek a low protein drink in combination with a high level of protein hydrolysis, to improve the molecular weight distribution of peptides and aminoacids for this application.

Fermented (hydrolyzed) lupine seeds are filtered and mixed with other alcohol / non-alcoholic beverages as required by the market

The manufacturing process is similar to brewing and uses devices such as maceration tanks, lauter or fermentation tanks, which already exist in each brewery.

Therefore, no additional large investments are required.

This lupine drink is the ideal after-sports drink, isotonic, low calorie and tasty. It is free from lactose and 100% vegan.

If you wish to advance in this product, please tell us why we can introduce you to collaborators in the Fitness & Gyms sector that are always looking for new products.

jueves, 12 de octubre de 2017

hydrogen fuel from seawater

Future commercialization could mean a new source of environmentally friendly fuel and less dependence on fossil fuels

In many situations, producing a chemical fuel from solar energy is a better solution than producing electricity from solar panels, he said. That electricity must be used or stored in batteries, which degrade, while hydrogen gas is easily stored and transported.

proteinas nativas vs concentrados de proteinas de suero

lunes, 9 de octubre de 2017

WHAT IS "NATIVE WHEY? why native whey is different o Whey Protein Conce...

Carragenatos, colágeno o productos viscosos concentración por sistemas m...

Native, Functional  & High digestibility proteins

Structure of native and denatured proteins

            The most significant change that may occurs during the purification of proteins and peptides, is denaturalization.

            It is the loss of certain highly specific properties by the native protein.

            Specific differences between members of a series od related native proteins and specific enzymatic activities of native proteins disappear on denaturation.

         We hope you are interested and do not hesitate to ask us for more information at

Solution Engineering in Action


Simple Solutions for Complex Problems /  biotech2.globalcafipo

            Our staff of Engineering & Consulting  into the company © FIPO biotech has been advising companies with new projects, intervening in the development and analysis of their business, supporting them both in the definition of their project model , advice on update process equipment and start-ups, including pre-investment works.
            This service is of the utmost importance in the projects in their initial stages, is especially interesting for new projects with a very technological profile and in which the client needs a technical support with the Best Available Techniques (BAT)

domingo, 8 de octubre de 2017

Linea completa de produccion de estevia purificada al 95 por ciento

Aguas de descongelación de calamar, pulpo, pescado …..

Aguas de cocción, descongelación, proceso…..


Huella hídrica Reutilización de las aguas

La tendencia cada vez más, es el optimizar los consumos de agua tanto industriales como urbanos.

Tendencia que cada año irá aumentando.

Tratamos las aguas de proceso diferenciandolas en:
 a) Aguas blancas
b) Aguas grises
c) Aguas de empujes CIP
d) Aguas de empuje de producción
e) Permeados de soluciones CIP clarificados
f) Aguas de lavados
g) Aguas de descargas de centrífugas /decanters
h) Aguas de congelación/descongelación
i) Aguas pluviales
j) Permeados de Nanofiltración
k) Condesados de evaporación
l) Condesados de enfriamiento…..

Con cualquier consulta estamos a su disposición;
Proteins, vitamins, minerals and oils
Dairy farms & saving costs

Concentration of milk in farms to reduce costs without damaging the quality of milk.

     Large dairy farms are seeking to concentrate their milk on the farm as part of new investments and in order to save on transport costs and thus offer producers a better price for their milk.


Proteina Huevo liquido ECOLOGICO huevina clara de huevo yema pasteurizad...

miércoles, 4 de octubre de 2017

Egypt / Potential in protein powder production Protein concentrated/isolated (WPC & WPI), sport supplements production in Egypt. Turnkey project ; cost / benefits Target; Fractionation of the protein for their own consumption in the own companies with / without demineralization, and in liquid or powder. If you need detailed information on costs, return on investment, minimum required whey/milk volume, previous and subsequent treatments of protein, we are at your disposal to advance in this application whose payback is interesting

New food technologies and processes and their impact on nutrition.

There are now available in FIPO biotech systems for pasteurizing or microwave sterilizing all kinds of food fluids. In ©FIPO biotech  We have a long experience in the different systems to remove bacterias of liquid food products and based on the new needs and advances, We have developed the range of treatments ©FIPO biotech  PMW, for the microwave treatment of foods

Water reuse, recycling, conservation in manufacturing

Recovery of die water. 
In the light of the severe and escalating worldwide water crisis and increasing focus on water consumption, it is evident taht the heavy usage of resources by the food industries needs attention.
On this background and driven by our strong focus on sustainability, protection of the environment, and reuse of natural resources, we have developed a number of solutions to reduce the environmental footprint of food and beverage processing plants.
Collagen and Gelatin


Membrane bioreactor technology ©FIPO biotech, for the treatment of fish and shellfish resources, generating functional products such as gelatine, collagen, oil, proteins and calcium, with an increasing prebiotic value. Equipment for processing with immobilized enzymes and obtaining optimum concentrations of substrate and enzymes

martes, 3 de octubre de 2017

Soda & Acid recovery

Avoid ineffective CIP systems.

1.   Recovery  Clean chemical products
2.   Recover Water & Reduction water consumption
3.   Recovery Nitric,  Acid and Caustic/Soda.
4.   Recovery Hot water
5.   Reduce Kcal consumption / Skype; biotech.globalcafipo