FIPO BIOTECH empresa de ingenieria y proyectos

martes, 30 de enero de 2024


Membrane milk or whey concentration vs. multi-stage evaporation

The increasing need to reduce energy consumption and use sustainable energy resources translates into a demand for alternative product processing methods in the food industry.
Traditional multistage evaporators used to concentrate food products consume a lot of energy and require about 300 kJ per kg of water removed [1].

This energy efficiency has increased in recent decades due to the introduction of thermal and mechanical vapor recompression.

However, concentration by pressure membrane filtration only requires between 14 and 36 kJ per kg of water removed [1]. Ç

The drawback of pressure-driven membrane filtration is the achievable product concentration, which is limited due to concentration polarization.

For dairy products, a maximum of 28% solids in the product stream is considered economically viable for traditional membrane concentration [2].

The DeV FIPO biotech membrane DeV FIPO is an emerging technology with potential to concentrate up to high solids content.

In DeV FIPO biotech, a specific membrane separates the feed and permeate phases and allows only water to diffuse through the membrane.

The driving force of mass transport is the partial pressure difference between feed and permeate, which is related to the temperature difference over the membrane. As a result, the retention rate is very high and high quality water is produced as permeate.

Therefore, the biotech DeV FIPO biotech is less affected by concentration polarization [8], and it is the ideal method for milk concentration, as it allows reaching a final solids concentration of up to 45-50%, which makes it the best choice for reaching high concentrations.

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