FIPO BIOTECH empresa de ingenieria y proyectos

lunes, 25 de mayo de 2020

How is your CO2 footprint? To measure this imbalance use a measure called "ecological footprint" (in economics is called "overreaction"), which represents the relationship between the amount of nature we have and the amount of nature we consume. Among the countries with the highest ecological reserves are Suriname (with 2330% excess biological capacity over consumption), Guyana (2300%), Gabon (846%), Congo (763%), Central African Republic (555%), Bolivia (436%), Democratic Republic of the Congo (255%), Uruguay (246%), Namibia (212%) and Eritrea (209%). By contrast, the countries with the highest ecological deficit include: Singapore (9890% of excess consumption over biological capacity) Bermuda (4810%) Reunion (2820%), Barbados (2070%), Cayman Islands (1670%), United Arab Emirates (1650%), Israel (1640%), Bahrain (1530%), Saudi Arabia (1350%), Cyprus (1260%) or Qatar (1230%). Information from / Fuente: biotech environment energy gogreen

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