FIPO BIOTECH empresa de ingenieria y proyectos

miércoles, 21 de agosto de 2019

Cannabis oil extraction and purification

Bioactive Compounds

Extraction, Isolation and Characterization of vegetable extracts or Bioactive Compounds

While there are several methods of cannabis extraction to choose from, there are advantages and disadvantages in each method.
Chemically speaking, eliminating cannabinoids from cannabis is a simple task.
The active ingredients (#cannabinoids and terpenes) are present on the outside of the flower and the nearby leaves (cuttings) on the well-known trichome glands.
Non-polar solvents disturb the lipid bilayer, releasing the active ingredients contained.
Most organic solvents are relatively non-polar and are capable of extracting trichomes.
Water,  is repelled by the lipid bilayer, and cannabinoids have no solubility in it.
Non-polar solvents commonly used in all methods of cannabis extraction include hydrocarbons, alcohols and supercritical carbon dioxide.
We can help you to choose the benefits and disadvantages of each one.
The extraction , clarification and concentration  is now easy and feasible by the #microfiltration plus #ultrafiltration and #nanofiltration membrane FIPO #biotech
We design our units to process vegetable extracts

#cannabis #oil #vegetable #extracts

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