FIPO BIOTECH empresa de ingenieria y proyectos

miércoles, 29 de mayo de 2019

Protein Demand

Demand per ingredient and application

Global overview

#wpc #wpi #protein #lactose #whey #milk #dairy

martes, 14 de mayo de 2019

Lactase Market Progresses for Huge Profits During 2028

Europe to Lead in Lactase Consumption Through 2025
Among all the regional markets, Europe is expected to lead the global lactase market in the coming years owing to the consumption of lactose free dairy products and a substantial growth in the working population. A noteworthy shift in the habits pertaining to lifestyle is being observed around this zone. The region is already one of the largest consumers of processed food globally, and is also expected to create further demand for food and beverages designed for the working-class population over the years ahead. Lactose-free dairy products come with the benefit of easy digestion, and also contain all the essential nutrients of milk, which is largely preferred by the working-class population as these products do not cause bloating, gas, pain, and cramps.
#dairy #lactose #nutrients

Differences Between Delactosed & Lactose Free Milk

#lactose #dairy

jueves, 9 de mayo de 2019

Do you want to reuse your waters?

look this video

Is a simple way to show how works a tangential membrane

#reverseosmosis #educational

And reuse die waters or process waters.

#biotech #environment #energy #gogreen #ultrasound #sounds #lubricants #automotive #research #environment #CleanWater #WaterFacts #fatsoilsgrease #industry #wastewater #research #coast #mussels #clamps #squids #circulareconomy #Oceanografía #pollution #savewater #biotech #reverse #osmosis #milk #whey #concentration

Native proteins are possible.

Molecular separation in cold condition to produce native products

How it works


Because the biological activity is often important and protein denaturation should be avoided in those situations. Elevated temperatures, extremes in pH, and changes

Relationship between temperature pasteurization and nutritional value of food

In the modern era of health consciousness, consumers are well aware regarding health and consequently about food components.

Consumers demand foods which are natural, nutritionally better, free from chemical preservatives and microbiologically safe with extended shelf-life

lunes, 6 de mayo de 2019

New techonology to keeps milk fresh for 90 days hashtagleche hashtagqueso hashtaglechefresca hashtagbiotech In the 1960s more aggressive milk processing techniques, such as ultra-heat treatment (UHT), were developed, and when combined with sterile packaging techniques, could result in unrefrigerated milk keeping for up to nine months. UHT milk, while convenient for many, undeniably tastes quite different from fresh milk and the more forceful pasteurization process has been found to alter the product's protein structure and reduce its nutritional content. There is still substantial debate over how significantly the common, more gentle, pasteurization process can alter the nutritional content of milk, however, the contaminated dangers of raw milk still persist.

New generation of molecular fractionation

         The new generation of tangential membranes and their properties are quite diverse but can generally be described as having rejection characteristics that range from “loose” RO to micro and macro filtration. The uniqueness of these membranes is highlighted by their ability to selectively reject different molecules, and have high rejection of low molecular weight, dissolved components. New generation membranes are mainly used in all food, beverage and biotechnology industries.

          Additionally, this technology is finding increasing use for purifying industrial effluents and minimizing waste discharge. 

#molecular #biopolimeros #biplastics #wastewater #pollution #recovery #CO2footprint

World production of milk
Concentration of milk in farms
Reducing costs without damaging the quality of milk.

Large dairy farms are seeking to concentrate their milk on the farm as part of new investments and in order to save on transport costs and thus offer producers a better price for their milk.
If you need more information, send us an email  to
#world #milk #production #milk #concentration #farms

Recovery of spent CIP Solutions

The discharge of effluent to the sewer or for on-site treatment has become increasingly expensive.
Most industries have already reduced their water consumption to a minimum.
However, efficient cleaning often produces a large volume of caustic effluent, even with CIP systems that re-use the detergent a number of times. 
However  with our technology in ©FIPO biotech , is now possible to recover more than 90% of a spent caustic solution by using pH resistant nano filtration membranes. This gives reduced operating costs and better performance that the traditional centrifugal separator method.

#chemicals #soda #acid #recovery #biotech #membranes

jueves, 2 de mayo de 2019

El ciclo del carbono es un ciclo biogeoquímico por el cual el carbono se intercambia entre la biosfera, la litosfera, la hidrosfera y la atmósfera

En el planeta Tierra, el carbono circula a través de los océanos, de la atmósfera y de la superficie y el interior terrestre, en un gran ciclo biogeoquímico. Este ciclo puede ser dividido en dos: el ciclo lento o geológico y el ciclo rápido o biológico.
#enviroment #water #recovery #membrane #osmosis #biotech

Dairy farmers use electric milk pump to reduce diesel usage

The battery that powers the electric motor is charged while the vehicle is in motion and also provides enough energy for defrosters, lights, windscreen wipers and other vehicle needs. Tine is planning to install the new pumps in all 250 of its vehicles.

#milktransport #transport #pricefuel #reverseomsosis #concentration

Fish & Seafood  / process waters &  Cooking waters from vats

Clams, mussels, squid ... Recovery of de-sanding, deburring, baking, cooking ...

All these waters have a high level of polluting load

This recovery would allow to reduce the waste water, pollution, odours…

Are there options to reduce water consumption?

So that you can verify in your facilities the different options and work under the regulations in force, we have the equipment to be able to treat the waters for the different uses that are going to be given to them and according to the last update of the 2017 of the WHO and RD 2007, for the reuse of water and reduction of water stress.

In support we have both the pilot unit and the technologist in these applications.