FIPO BIOTECH empresa de ingenieria y proyectos

jueves, 21 de marzo de 2019

Seasonality of goat's milk / Sheep

One of the most innovative applications in the field of tangential filtration, is the surplus of milk in peak periods of goat or sheep milk to avoid drying and thus save both the costs of evaporation and drying.
For the savings in transport or evaporation / drying that we have been carrying out in FIPO biotech in several countries, and above all in those where the cost of diesel increases the traditional cost of concentration as well as transport cost year after year.
The main advantages of a milk concentration process are;

By freezing the concentrated milk, the problems associated with the freezing of the curd or cheese are avoided
Savings in transportation; you save between 60 and 70% of the traditional costs.

Water; 70% is generated in water of the initial volume of milk.
Sturdiness; It allows to work both with milk / whole whey and skimmed
Size; They are built to the flow and specific dimensions for each client.
Investment; It is important to bear in mind that the recovery of the investment is less than 1 year.
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#milk #concentration #reverse #osmosis #fuel #dairy #leche #concentracion

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