FIPO BIOTECH empresa de ingenieria y proyectos

martes, 26 de febrero de 2019

Filtros de reducción del % de las células somáticas & Mejorar la calid...

Somatic cells / Elimination.

In FIPO biotech we design, with our own
technology, the specific filters to eliminate the load of somatic cells

Are filters that allow an easy self-cleaning
and without the need to disassemble them daily, and a greater extraction of
somatic cells (selectable between 50 and 95%).

This gives greater security when processing
large quantities of product since it reduces the somatic load during the
storage time.

Optionally allows to monitor the clogging in
cases of high presence of other insoluble particles

#somatic #cells #leche #concentracion #osmosis
#evaporacion #evaporada #lactosezero #delactose #lactase #anhydrousmilkfat
#butter #cheedar #lactose #renner #casein #powder #sweetwhey #wholemilk #global #nanofiltracion
#leche #concentracion #granja #osmosis #suero #ultrafiltracion# #trasnsporte #
microfiltration #dairylac
#xuntagain #subvenciones #feder

#dairylacmex  #eurowhey #homogenizacion
#funtional #prebioticprobiotic #filtration #membranes
#cells #membrane #alcass
#albumin #microparticularizacion
#camembert #queso #cheese #morolique #whitecheese
#biotech #iberlact #reverse #osmosis #milk #whey #concentration
#verversososmosis #farm #milk #whey #permeate 

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