FIPO BIOTECH empresa de ingenieria y proyectos

sábado, 24 de noviembre de 2018

Mejillones, Calamares, almejas, Atún… aguas de desarenado, desbarbado, proceso, balsinas…

En estos procesos se consumen altas cantidades de agua, que son fácilmente recuperables para proceso y bajo la normativa CE de aguas de proceso.

#mejillones #balsinas #desbarbado #desarenado #cocción #aguas #olores #amoniaco #depuración

Twitter @0160fipobiotech

miércoles, 21 de noviembre de 2018


isolation, characterization and applications

Casein, Globulin and albumin in milk.

Updated isolation and applications technology.

In the industrialized world, functional foods have become a part of an everyday diet and are demonstrated to offer potential health benefits.

When people drink milk, digestive juices break down the casein into protein pieces called casein peptides.

Casein peptides can also be made by the industries and marketed as dietary #supplements in #fitness and #sport #nutrition.

With our membrane systems (see photo attached) @FIPO biotech, we do the fractionation of each type of protein for the most effective production of these functional products of greater or lesser bioavailability.

Our experience in supplying membrane solutions allow to work in conditions of very  low process temperatures (<8ºc)

 Construction under the different regulations FDA, CE, 3A, Pharma.

Products focused on the range of:
• Baby-food products.
• Fast products and high digestibility, which gives an immediate source of energy.
• Reduction of hypertension……
#Albumin #Globulin and #Caseins are the main #proteins in milk

martes, 20 de noviembre de 2018

A1 milk versus A2 milk.

The real problem with milk and dairy might not be lactose.
The a2 Milk Co. reports rising demand in U.S.

Ordinary cows’ milk contains a mix of two main types of beta-casein proteins, A1 and A2 protein. Published research suggests that a2 Milk may help avoid stomach discomfort in some people sensitive to these proteins. That’s because a2 Milk contains only the A2 protein type and no A1 protein. A2 Milk products include whole, 2% reduced fat, chocolate 2% reduced fat and 1% low fat.

#milk #casein #lactose #biotech #enviroment #global #water #environment #technology #waste #membrane #FIPObiotech #ecology #nature #footprint