FIPO BIOTECH empresa de ingenieria y proyectos

miércoles, 29 de noviembre de 2017

Inulin FOS & GOS

Purification and  hydrolysis of Inulin 

Inulin is also known as a “prebiotic” fiber based on the fact that it's highly fermentable by the friendly bacteria in our guts.

With our  membrane reactor FIPO biotech FRFM, we offer you the best option for aimed to find the optimum operating conditions, in terms of pH And substrate concentration either inulin or FOS Fructooligosaccharides, so GOS galactooligosaccharides

sábado, 25 de noviembre de 2017

steps for industries to reduce your carbon footprint

Are you looking to save money by reducing energy costs?

Contact us for a complete energy audit and analysis!
Lactic acid

            Turnkey project

            Lactic acid has a wide range of applications in the food, chemical, pharmaceutical, chemical and cosmetic industries, among others. Research in L (+) and D (-) lactic acid has recently been accelerated by biotechnology, due to its possibility of transformation into biodegradable poly-lactic acid (PLA).

            The efforts in lactic acid research are focused on reducing production costs through new substrates, new technologies of fermentation and separation, and new microorganisms capable of achieving high concentrations of lactic acid, high yields and high productivity.

            If you are interested in this process line, we are your best option to carry it out       

jueves, 23 de noviembre de 2017

como funciona membrana de acero filtro vibratorio autolimpiable Protein...

Aguas de cocción, descongelación, proceso…..

Huella hídrica Reutilización de las aguas

La tendencia cada vez más, es el optimizar los consumos de agua tanto industriales como urbanos.

Tendencia que cada año irá aumentando.

Tratamos las aguas de proceso diferenciandolas en:
 a) Aguas blancas
b) Aguas grises
c) Aguas de empujes CIP
d) Aguas de empuje de producción
e) Permeados de soluciones CIP clarificados
f) Aguas de lavados
g) Aguas de descargas de centrífugas /decanters
h) Aguas de congelación/descongelación
i) Aguas pluviales
j) Permeados de Nanofiltración
k) Condesados de evaporación
l) Condesados de enfriamiento…..

Con cualquier consulta estamos a su disposición;

lunes, 20 de noviembre de 2017

Rennet; method for the purification all types of rennet

Whey concentration in small factories

One of the main problems in small / medium-sized factories is the difficulty of carrying out a whey project because, on many occasions, it is considered to be a high investment and with a low pay-back.

Nowadays we have developed equipment to process Whey in small factories, sized to occupy little space, low consumption of kw, and what is more important reduces the "traditional" costs of Whey treatment.

The equipment also allows treating the rest of the industrial process waters, which also reduces the environmental impact and the water footprint of small businesses.

The process allows to transform a product with high COD & COD into a resource for its transformation, water for its reuse and a significant reduction of environmental impact, giving a solution to the problem of whey in small factories.

We have mobile equipments so you can verify the viability in your own company.

Go Green. Reuse of water Green Technology & Water footprint

Egg protein

            The native protein concentrates EPC & EPI are different from whey protein concentrates, fish or other
            It also has many other health benefits like boosting your immune system. Studies have shown that the highest quality, and the most easily digestible protein is solubel protein or hydrolyzed protein.

            Thanks to its ingredients, it has even better effects on muscle building than other products.

domingo, 19 de noviembre de 2017

Reduce your carbon footprint. Everyone has a responsibility to reduce it

Pilot Plant

         Nowadays, ©FIPO biotech  innovates solutions increasingly reinforces its Consulting & Engineering Department, orienting it to support the development, production and integration of new products and industrial equipment (pilot) of low environmental impact, eco-sustainable, for the Market of products with the highest nutritional value, bioactive, biological value and high value commercial value / quality, which we have been implementing over the years in leading companies in different sectors all over the different countries.

            We offer innovative methodologies and with an important degree of satisfaction regarding its application and results.
            We have at your disposal our pilot plants


jueves, 16 de noviembre de 2017

Recovery of spent CIP Solutions. Soda and Acid treatment and recycling

Concentración de suero en pequeñas fábricas

Una de las principales problemas en la empresas pequeñas/medianas, es la dificultad de realizar un proyecto de recuperación del suero porque en muchas ocasiones se estima que supone una alta inversión y con un bajo retorno de inversión.
Actualmente hemos desarrollado equipos para procesar suero en pequeñas fábricas, dimensionados para ocupar poco espacio, de bajo consumo de kws, y lo que es mas importante reduce los costes "tradicionales" del tratamiento del suero.

El equipo permite además tratar el resto de aguas de proceso industrial, con lo cual se consigue además el reducir el impacto ambiental y la huella hídrica de las pequeñas empresas.

El proceso permite transformar un producto con alta DQO5 & DQO, en un recurso para su transformación, agua para su reutilización y una importante reducción del impacto ambiental, dando una solución a la problemática del suero en pequeñas empresas.

Disponemos de equipos móviles para que puedan verificar la viabilidad en su propia empresa.

martes, 14 de noviembre de 2017

Desmineralización y alta solubilidad

Como desmineralizar Desmineralizacion de suero leche vs suero sin desmineralizar

Desmineralización. La dedicación de FIPO biotech para garantizar unas líneas de producción eco sostenibles comienza en la granja, donde la leche de los rebaños de nuestros clientes, pastando en pasturas naturales, se produce a los más altos estándares de higiene. Esta leche solo se utiliza para producir queso, caseína y el suero líquido fresco generado se procesa rápidamente desmineralizado para obtener un producto de amplio uso en alimentación humana. Por lo tanto, se garantiza la trazabilidad y el control sobre la materia prima.

Gestión y tratamiento de las aguas con restos de ácidos grasas aceites m...

lunes, 13 de noviembre de 2017

Bioactive Compounds

Extraction, Isolation and Characterization of vegetable extracts or Bioactive Compounds

The separation of such particles by the ultrafiltration membrane is quite generally vegetable proteins by DCextraction and DC-ultrafiltration is an up-to-date method that maintains the native properties of the particles
Microwave sterilization
There are now available in ©FIPO biotech systems for pasteurizing or microwave sterilizing all kinds of food fluids. In ©FIPO biotech  We have a long experience in the different systems to remove bacterias of liquid food products and based on the new needs and advances, We have developed the range of treatments ©FIPO biotech  PMW, for the microwave treatment of foods

Cuajo Natural microbiano o animal. quimosina y pepsina Purificación y Co...

Reutilización de las aguas Huella hídrica sello verde

Modular small factories  & Ecological

            We attach information to pre-assembled modular plants
         As you can imagine, carefully planned and pre-assembled modular factories render waste management an exact science. Many modular factories omes reduce waste to 10% or less, which conserves the environment and saves money for the buyers.
         Because these  are buildings are factory made, measurements are precise.
         Large pieces fit together like an erector set, whereupon the house is sealed tightly to conserve energy and potentially save a owner thousands of dollars every year.
         Companies also cut costs by offering features like recycled countertops and Marmoleum flooring.


domingo, 12 de noviembre de 2017

kws &  water saving tips

       From FIPO biotech can help to who carry out kw and water audits and are involved with managing water use.
       It presents simple benchmarks for kws & water use and effluent load discharged for all kind of industries.
       We work with separate tables for each sector contain minimum,
maximum, average, lower quartile and upper quartile values, while graphs of key performance indicators from different industries allow to
see how well they are performing.

All data are provided for more than 30 years of experience.

       We can also provide kws &  water saving tips and details of useful contacts.

Manufacturing Whey Protein Supplements

Protein concentrated/isolated (WPC$WPI) & sport supplements  production in India.

Target; Fractionation of the protein for their own consumption in the own companies with / without demineralization, and in  liquid or powder.

If you need detailed information on costs, return on investment, minimum required whey/milk volume, previous and subsequent treatments of protein, we are at your disposal to advance in this application whose payback is interesting
Protein consumption

Production and supply of high-quality food protein for human consumption  is needed and  projected to increase littler by little every year and  during the next 35 years.

Studying the Protein Supply Chain to Improve Dietary Quality" to explore sustainable innovations in food science and programming aimed at producing the required quality and quantity of protein through improved supply chains worldwide

World Protein consumption Protein grams per person Global patterns and trends

Protein powder  Protein concentrated/isolated (WPC & WPI), sport supplements production in Egypt. Turnkey project ; cost / benefits Target; Fractionation of the protein for their own consumption in the own companies with / without demineralization, and in liquid or powder. If you need detailed information on costs, return on investment, minimum required whey/milk volume, previous and subsequent treatments of protein, we are at your disposal to advance in this application whose payback is interesting

Ensure a Future with Water‎

        The reuse of process water in the industry has the potential to reduce costs, both in water consumption expenses and in the treatment of wastewater.
          Depending on the contaminants present in all these types of waters, its reuse is simple, which allows traditional expenses to be reduced by more than 80%.


miércoles, 8 de noviembre de 2017

Inulina FOS GOS  Alimentos funcionales

Inulina y Miel de Agave

Indicarle que disponemos en stock de equipo a pequeña escala para la clarificación del jugo de agave y purificación y concentración de INULINA

 La inulina de agave es un magnífico suplemento alimenticio que afortunadamente podemos conseguir con gran facilidad.
En esta nota veremos cómo y cuándo consumir la inulina de agave para aprovechar sus beneficios.
         Si estan interesados en el equipos con/sin personal nuestro especializado en estos procesos, no duden en contactarnos

martes, 7 de noviembre de 2017

Cooking waters from buckies, shrimps and tuna have a high level of polluting load

This recoverywould allow the industrialists to diminish the waste water

For Canning factories and  of fish, Seafood, Octopus, tuna, squids…. And specialized industries of frozen products and precooked foods

lunes, 6 de noviembre de 2017

Algo está cambiando
       La reutilización del agua de proceso en la industria tiene el potencial de reducir los costos, tanto en los gastos de consumo de agua como en el tratamiento de aguas residuales.
         Dependiendo de los contaminantes presentes en todos estos tipos de aguas, su reutilización es sencilla, lo que permite reducir en mas de un 80% los gastos tradicionales.
