FIPO BIOTECH empresa de ingenieria y proyectos

miércoles, 27 de septiembre de 2017

Solution Engineering in Action

            Our staff of Engineering & Consulting  into the company © FIPO biotech has been advising companies with new projects, intervening in the development and analysis of their business, supporting them both in the definition of their project model , advice on update process equipment and start-ups, including pre-investment works.
            This service is of the utmost importance in the projects in their initial stages, is especially interesting for new projects with a very technological profile and in which the client needs a technical support with the Best Available Techniques (BAT) /  biotech2.globalcafipo

lunes, 25 de septiembre de 2017

Fish / world Captures

The content of solids (%) of proteins, vitamins, minerals and oils make it highly recommended to recover them for use in human food.

It is important that such recovery is carried out at the rate of processing to prevent undesirable degradations and that the product loses its natural probiotic properties.
FIPO biotech processing equipment allows to obtain as much oils, as proteins and collagens of maximum nutritional level, without the addition of preservative nor dyes.


Stevia Extraction & purificación updated Technology

Global CA & FIPO biotech

Technical Resources for Stevia Extraction Technology

Strong production capacity & customization
FIPO biotech  have new membrane separation technology can be directly extracted from stevia purity greater than 95% Stevioside (U.S. and Europe only allows 95% purity of stevioside as a sweetener sales and use). 

viernes, 22 de septiembre de 2017

proteinas nativas vs concentrados de proteinas de suero

Tuna Fish / world Production

The content of solids (%) of proteins, vitamins, minerals and oils make it highly recommended to recover them for use in human food.

It is important that such recovery is carried out at the rate of processing to prevent undesirable degradations and that the product loses its natural probiotic properties.
FIPO biotech processing equipment allows to obtain as much oils, as proteins and collagens of maximum nutritional level, without the addition of preservative nor dyes.


Tanque Pasteurizador SCE pequeño tanque para calostro mostos caldos cultivo

jueves, 21 de septiembre de 2017

Process water Reuse in Industry

         Process water reuse in industry can take place within a business or between businesses and has the potential to reduce costs for businesses both on water bills as well as wastewater treatment.

        Depending on the contaminants present in all these types of waters its future reuse, it can either be directly reused, or treated and reused (recycled).


demineralization equipments; FIPO biotech What demineralization system s...

Gestión y tratamiento de las aguas con restos de ácidos grasas aceites m...

protein concentrated quality and bioavailability
What is "Native Protein"? why native whey is different of traditional Whey Protein Concentrated.

As information that we believe is important, not all protein concentrates are the same or receive the same treatments.
         Traditionally the whey comes from the coagulation of milk, from which comes out cheese  and in other side, the traditional whey. This must be pasteurized  ….later must be eliminate bacteiras, acids , salts…. And finally is obtained the WPC
         Nowadays with our equipments ©FIPO biotech, the milk produce directly whe WPC and /WPI without intermediate processes, not even the presence of bacteria and acids that can destroy the nutritional value of proteins.
          We generally plan the advantages of treating both thermally and mechanically in projects, so that food components are not degraded.
            In the specific case of this informative video, we explain the main advantages of our equipment that are designed under this premise and that allow to offer to the final consumer, a quality product.
Aguas de cocción, descongelación, proceso…..

Huella hídrica Reutilización de las aguas

La tendencia cada vez más, es el optimizar los consumos de agua tanto industriales como urbanos.

Tendencia que cada año irá aumentando.

Tratamos las aguas de proceso diferenciandolas en:
 a) Aguas blancas
b) Aguas grises
c) Aguas de empujes CIP
d) Aguas de empuje de producción
e) Permeados de soluciones CIP clarificados
f) Aguas de lavados
g) Aguas de descargas de centrífugas /decanters
h) Aguas de congelación/descongelación
i) Aguas pluviales
j) Permeados de Nanofiltración
k) Condesados de evaporación
l) Condesados de enfriamiento…..

Con cualquier consulta estamos a su disposición;

martes, 19 de septiembre de 2017

WHAT IS "NATIVE WHEY? why native whey is different o Whey Protein Conce...

proteinas nativas vs concentrados de proteinas de suero

¿Son todos los productos libres de lactosa iguales?

¿ Que opciones existen de deslactosamiento de leche en el mercado actual?. Los equipos ©FIPO biotech de la serie FBCA/FT

World leading producer of industrial quality equipment
With more than 25 years of experience in designing equipment for research center, © FIPO biotech is a world leading producer of industrial quality equipment and pharma. We have successfully developed customized equipment for biotechnology and large pharmaceutical companies and meeting the highest standards of quality, personalized service and know-how.

lunes, 18 de septiembre de 2017

Water Recycling and Reuse 

How Can Recycled Water Benefit Us?

 Water recycling offers resource and financial savings.
Wastewater treatment can be tailored to meet the water quality requirements of a planned reuse.
Recycled water for landscape irrigation requires less treatment than recycled water for drinking water.
Recycled water can satisfy most water demands, as long as it is adequately treated to ensure water quality appropriate for the use.

Go Green. Reuse of water Green Technology & Water footprint

Tamices Filtros Cribas para productos en polvo o líquido

lunes, 11 de septiembre de 2017

Where to produce native protein from milk?

Main sources of milk protein

Protein concentrated/isolated (WPC & WPI), sport supplements  production.

Turnkey project ; cost / benefits

Target; Fractionation of the protein for their own consumption in the own companies with / without demineralization, and in  liquid or powder.

If you need detailed information on costs, return on investment, minimum required whey/milk volume, previous and subsequent treatments of protein, we are at your disposal to advance in this application whose payback is interesting

Alimentos naturales para la practica Kickboxing Boxeo Natural Nativas pr...

Solution Engineering in Action


Simple Solutions for Complex Problems /  biotech2.globalcafipo

            Our staff of Engineering & Consulting  into the company © FIPO biotech has been advising companies with new projects, intervening in the development and analysis of their business, supporting them both in the definition of their project model , advice on update process equipment and start-ups, including pre-investment works.
            This service is of the utmost importance in the projects in their initial stages, is especially interesting for new projects with a very technological profile and in which the client needs a technical support with the Best Available Techniques (BAT)
Transformar problemas en soluciones y nuevos recursos /  biotech2.globalcafipo

Nuestro Departamento de Ingeniería de Proyectos & Asesoramiento & Consultoria dentro de la empresa ©FIPO biotech lleva mas de 20 años, asesorando a empresas con nuevos proyectos, interviniendo en el desarrollo y análisis de su negocio, apoyándoles tanto en la definición de su modelo de proyecto, asesoramiento en los equipos de proceso actualizados  y en las puestas en marcha, , lo que incluye tanto los trabajos previos a cualquier inversión.
            Este importante servicio, es de suma importancia en los proyectos en sus fases iniciales, es sobretodo interesante para nuevos proyectos con un perfil muy tecnológico y en el que el cliente precisa de un apoyo técnico con las Mejores Técnicas Disponibles.

viernes, 8 de septiembre de 2017

jueves, 7 de septiembre de 2017

Lactosa / proteina / lactoferrina / biogas

Rentabilidad / Costes & beneficios

            Para optimizar los ratios de productividad de las empresas lácteas, uno de los puntos que está en continua mejora, es el aprovechamiento de todos los recursos que se pueden obtener en los puntos que describimos a continuación
            - Reducción del volumen de recepción y pretratamientos ( mejoras de un 15-25% de los coste de Kws)
            - Separación de la proteína soluble nativa  de manera que se reduce de forma considerable el volumen de suero generado.
            - Desmineralización de suero tanto de las sales monovalentes, como divalentes.
            - Producción de biogás / Bioalcohol en continuo

            Si necesita información detallada sobre los costes, el retorno de la inversión, el volumen mínimo de suero / leche, los tratamientos previos y posteriores de proteínas, estamos a su disposición para avanzar en esta aplicación cuya recuperación es interesante
New generation of molecular fractionation

         The new generation of tangential membranes and their properties are quite diverse, but can generally be described as having rejection characteristics that range from “loose” RO to micro and macrofiltration. The uniqueness of these membranes is highlighted by their ability to selectively reject different molecules, and have high rejection of low molecular weight, dissolved components. New generation membranes are mainly used in all food, bebverage and biotechnology industries.

          Additionally, this techonoly are finding increasing use for purifying industrial effluents, and minimizing waste discharge.

viernes, 1 de septiembre de 2017

Low lactose or free lactose Dairy products

FIPO biotech Innovative Solutions. Dairy manufacturers can make lactose free versions of milk and other dairy products By chemical methods or by natural methods. Lactose free and delactosed dairy products are not equal. Learning the difference is important