FIPO BIOTECH empresa de ingenieria y proyectos

domingo, 20 de agosto de 2017

As information that we believe is important, not all protein concentrates are the same or receive the same treatments.
         Traditionally the whey comes from the coagulation of milk, from which comes out cheese  and in other side, the traditional whey. This must be pasteurized  ….later must be eliminate bacteiras, acids , salts…. And finally is obtained the WPC
         Nowadays with our equipments ©FIPO biotech, the milk produce directly whe WPC and /WPI without intermediate processes, not even the presence of bacteria and acids that can destroy the nutritional value of proteins.
          We generally plan the advantages of treating both thermally and mechanically in projects, so that food components are not degraded.
            In the specific case of this informative video, we explain the main advantages of our equipment that are designed under this premise and that allow to offer to the final consumer, a quality product.

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