FIPO BIOTECH empresa de ingenieria y proyectos

lunes, 28 de agosto de 2017

What's Best option of calcium  for Your Bones and Health?

 ionic calcium vs bioavailable calcium

Calcium Enriched Milk. Calcium is added?

what you must know about it.
Not all calcium present in a product, is assimilable by the body, since like other minerals needs a vehicle that facilitates its assimilation by our body.

    In ©FIPO biotech we have the technology so that in the liquid foods and of natural form, it really increases the bioavailable and assimilable calcium.

miércoles, 23 de agosto de 2017

demineralization equipments; FIPO biotech What demineralization system s...

Recuperación de aguas de empuje, proceso,  blancas y grises.

            Debido a la estrecha conexión entre la huella hídrica y la  reducción de los gastos de tratamiento, nos permite ofrecerles una rápida mejora en todo lo relacionado con sus nuevos proyectos  o ajustar los de instalaciones ya funcionando.

  Si necesita más información, asesoramiento, consultoría, póngase en contacto con nosotros para proporcionar atención adecuada y asesoramiento personalizado para usted.

                   Estaremos esperándole para ayudarle.

lunes, 21 de agosto de 2017

Huella hídrica

Reutilización de las aguas
La tendencia cada vez más, es el optimizar los consumos de agua tanto industriales como urbanos.
      Tendencia que cada año irá aumentando.

Tratamos las aguas, diferenciándolas en:
a)   Aguas blancas
b)  Aguas grises
c)   Aguas de empujes CIP
d)  Aguas de empuje de producción
e)   Permeados de soluciones CIP clarificados
f)     Aguas de lavados
g)  Aguas de descargas de centrífugas /decanters
h)  Aguas de congelación/descongelación
i)      Aguas pluviales
j)     Permeados de Nanofiltración
k)  Condesados de evaporación
l)      Condesados de enfriamiento…..

domingo, 20 de agosto de 2017

proteinas nativas vs concentrados de proteinas de suero

WHAT IS "NATIVE WHEY? why native whey is different o Whey Protein Conce...

Protein concentrated/isolated (WPC$WPI) & sport supplements  production in India.

Turnkey project ; cost / benefits

Target; Fractionation of the protein for their own consumption in the own companies with / without demineralization, and in  liquid or powder.

If you need detailed information on costs, return on investment, minimum required whey/milk volume, previous and subsequent treatments of protein, we are at your disposal to advance in this application whose payback is interesting
As information that we believe is important, not all protein concentrates are the same or receive the same treatments.
         Traditionally the whey comes from the coagulation of milk, from which comes out cheese  and in other side, the traditional whey. This must be pasteurized  ….later must be eliminate bacteiras, acids , salts…. And finally is obtained the WPC
         Nowadays with our equipments ©FIPO biotech, the milk produce directly whe WPC and /WPI without intermediate processes, not even the presence of bacteria and acids that can destroy the nutritional value of proteins.
          We generally plan the advantages of treating both thermally and mechanically in projects, so that food components are not degraded.
            In the specific case of this informative video, we explain the main advantages of our equipment that are designed under this premise and that allow to offer to the final consumer, a quality product.

miércoles, 16 de agosto de 2017

filtracion y desinfección de agua en depuradoras y cetareas e industrias...

principales diferencias de leche y productos enriquecidos en calcio.

Protein demineralization equipments;
What demineralization system would you need ?

Electro-dialysis ion-exchange chromatography Low pressure evaporation Nanofiltration diafiltration membranes

FIPO biotech offers you demineralization equipments adapted to your various applications: water treatment, fisheries proteins, whey powder, milk,   infant nutrition, dairy products, bakery, confectionery….
What demineralization system should I buy?
ED / Electro-dialysis
       IEC/ ion-exchange chromatography
       Low pressure evaporation.
       NFO/ Nanofiltration (open)
       NFC/ Nanofiltration (close)
       Other cross-flow & diafiltration systems
 ECOGCA / Mix systems

jueves, 10 de agosto de 2017

Bioactive Compounds

Extraction, Isolation and Characterization of vegetable extracts or Bioactive Compounds

The separation of such particles by the ultrafiltration membrane is quite generally

vegetable proteins by DCextraction and DC-ultrafiltration is an up-to-date method that maintains the native properties of the particles

lunes, 7 de agosto de 2017

Have you heard about Native Whey Protein for sport nutrition?
or don’t know what it is?
       Native Whey is quite simply superior to conventional whey protein.

       How to producte  native proteins, peptides and amino acids in both, liquid and/or powder.

       When a protein is denatured the hydrophobic amino acids won't be longer inside the core of the protein, but instead will be exposed to the hydrophilic environment.

domingo, 6 de agosto de 2017

Concentration of milk in farms to reduce costs without damaging the quality of milk.

     Large dairy farms are seeking to concentrate their milk on the farm as part of new investments and in order to save on transport costs and thus offer producers a better price for their milk.

At your disposal;
This way flights our car
total Rally Galicia Pontevedra

From cutting down on meat to contacting your local representatives and investing in clean energy, everybody can help to reduce the footprint

Steps to reduce your carbon footprint

Is it possible to reconcile the improvement of the competitiveness of food industries with energy saving and environmental sustainability?

Industries and cities are encouraged to improve its CO2 emissions.

Call us;
Total Rally 2017 northwest  rally competition.

Rally souomaior, Pontevedra, Spain
Have you heard about Native Whey Protein for sport nutrition?
or don’t know what it is?
       Native Whey is quite simply superior to conventional whey protein.

       How to producte  native proteins, peptides and amino acids in both, liquid and/or powder.

       When a protein is denatured the hydrophobic amino acids won't be longer inside the core of the protein, but instead will be exposed to the hydrophilic environment.

       If you need the link information in English, please tell us

martes, 1 de agosto de 2017

How to producte  native proteins, peptides and amino acids in both, liquid and/or powder.

            When a protein is denatured the hydrophobic amino acids won't be longer inside the core of the protein, but instead will be exposed to the hydrophilic environment.

            If you need the link information in English, please tell us
Fermentation tanks mixing pasteurization extraction

The batch pasteurizercan also be used as a fermentation tank, saving expend costo on buffer tanks or others.

Disperser, Mills, Emulsifier, Mixers 

We produce all kind of tanks;  Fermenting tanks; Crystallization tanks; CIP tanks; StoragetanksMixing tanks; Buffer tanks; Aseptic tanks; Balance tanks