FIPO BIOTECH empresa de ingenieria y proyectos

mi茅rcoles, 16 de junio de 2021

Flow dynamics When you put an object in a flow channel

How the sediment transport changes?


馃寧  Let's Make Our World A Greener Place.. The other living beings are not to blame

馃毄Using Water Efficiently 馃憠馃従 : Ideas for Industry and go to The Energy Transition Fund aims to encourage and support research, development and innovation in the field of energy.

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martes, 15 de junio de 2021

Concentraci贸n de Suero por NANOFILTRACI脫N y 脫SMOSIS INVERSA

Con el aumento de los precios de gasolina, cada vez es m谩s frecuente el extraer el agua de la leche en las propias granjas productoras Lo que reduce su volumen y, por tanto, los gastos de transporte. Estos equipos pueden concentrar la leche al 48% del total de s贸lidos. Es un grado de concentraci贸n an谩logo al que ofrece la evaporaci贸n, pero como la 贸smosis inversa no precisa calor, el sabor permanece inalterado. Lo mismo ocurre con el suero que se env铆a desde las f谩bricas de queso a las torres de secado. Reduciendo los costes de transportes un 80%. #nanofiltracion #leche #concentracion #granja #osmosis #suero #ultrafiltracion# #trasnsporte #microfiltration #homogenizacion #funtional #prebioticprobiotic #filtration #membranes #somatic #cells #membrane #alcass #milkcass #casein #albumin #microparticularizacion #camembert #queso #cheese #morolique #whitecheese #biotech #reverse #osmosis #milk #whey #concentration #gogreen #verversososmosis #farm #milk #whey #permeate

Demineralization equipments best available technology #minerales #sodium...

Global Whey Protein Market 2019 – 2025


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According to the report The Global Market for Whey and Lactose Ingredients 2017–21, the global whey protein (powder and concentrate) market grew at a CAGR of around 4% during 2010–17 reaching a volume of 4.1 million metric tons in 2017.


At constant 2017 prices, the market value is forecasted to surpass US$9 billion by 2021, corresponding to average annual growth of 4%.


The global market value for pharmaceutical and conventional lactose, which is typically obtained as co-product to whey proteins, along with permeate powder increased to almost US$2.3 billion in 2016, also benefitting from recovering prices, and is expected to reach US$2.7 billion in 2021, implying a compounded annual growth rate of 4% over the forecast period at constant prices.


A clear product trend of adding value to the whey pool has become apparent as high-end protein products, that is, WPC80, WPI, as well as demineralized WP90,



#protein #biotech #dairy #milk #WPC #WPI


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