FIPO BIOTECH empresa de ingenieria y proyectos

martes, 23 de enero de 2018

Clean Energy generation & indefinitely

A thin membrane of graphene layers could power a watch forever without the need for recharging, and imagine the possibilities for large “batteries” built from graphene: They could run indefinitely, never need recharging, and be absolutely clean.
New generation of molecular fractionation

         The new generation of tangential membranes and their properties are quite diverse, but can generally be described as having rejection characteristics that range from “loose” RO to micro and macrofiltration. The uniqueness of these membranes is highlighted by their ability to selectively reject different molecules, and have high rejection of low molecular weight, dissolved components. New generation membranes are mainly used in all food, bebverage and biotechnology industries.

          Additionally, this techonoly are finding increasing use for purifying industrial effluents, and minimizing waste discharge.

martes, 16 de enero de 2018

Colostrum / Pasteurization
Due to the demand of small equipment for the thermal treatment of colostrum in farms, © FIPO biotech offers the treatment system that allows to treat volumes from 10 ltrs / day.
       Are equipments with  a level of automatism selectable by the customer.
       The system allows to treat the colostrum without damaging the biological properties of the inmuinoglobulinbas, whose nutritional value is important for calf rearing.

       With any doubt we are available at + 34 886 30 94 35 &

domingo, 14 de enero de 2018

Water recycling  and reuse

                  In recent years, efforts to reduce water consumption for high-demand industrial processes have produced effective sustainability initiatives with innovative technologies that reduce the environmental impact of many industrial processes.

       Advanced filtration technology and techniques that filter more complex contaminants without the use of chemicals in the treatment process are integral parts of this global movement.

            Through the use of FIPO biotech solutions, water can be reused in the proper industry, irrigation and agriculture instead of taking from aquifers and further depleting natural resources.

            The need for wastewater reuse options for urban, environmental, recreational, and agricultural usage will continue to be important for global sustainability efforts.

            In addition to pond and sustaining stream flows, treated industrial wastewater can be used as process water for cooling and other non-potable needs.
            The combination of social acceptance and the adoption of new FIPO biotech technology solutions by regulators will help continue meaningful progress towards reduced water consumption and the use of wastewater as a resource.

Pilot Plant for tests

we lend you our pilot equipment
you can do your developments in your own company

            Nowadays, ©FIPO biotech  innovates solutions increasingly reinforces its Consulting & Engineering Department, orienting it to support the development, production and integration of new products and industrial equipment (pilot) of low environmental impact, eco-sustainable, for the Market of products with the highest nutritional value, bioactive, biological value and high value commercial value / quality, which we have been implementing over the years in leading companies in different sectors all over the different countries.

            We offer innovative methodologies and with an important degree of satisfaction regarding its application and results.

            We have at your disposal our pilot plants

Calostro  / Pasteurización

Debido a la demanda de equipos pequeños para el tratamiento térmico del calostro en granjas, ©FIPO biotech les ofrece el sistema de tratamiento que permite tratar volúmenes desde 10 ltrs/día.

Son equipos con un nivel de automatismo seleccionable por el cliente.
El sistema permite tratar el calostro sin dañar las propiedades de las inmuinoglobulinbas, cuyo valor nutricional es importante para la cria del ternero.

       Con cualquier duda estamos su disposición en el + 34 886 30 94 35 &

jueves, 11 de enero de 2018

Gestión y tratamiento de las aguas con restos de ácidos grasas aceites m...

Filtración de vinagre para una mejor nitidez y abrillantamiento

Water footprint

Reuse of water Green Technology

In the light of the severe and escalating worldwide water crisis and increasing focus on water consumption, it is evident taht the heavy usage of resources by the food industries needs attention.
On this background and driven by our strong focus on sustainability, protection of the environment, and reuse of natural resources, we have developed a number of solutions to reduce the environmental footprint of food and beverage processing plants.

miércoles, 10 de enero de 2018

Immobilization of enzymes & Membrane bioreactor technology

©FIPO biotech, for the treatment of fish and shellfish resources, generating functional products such as gelatine, collagen, oil, proteins and calcium, with an increasing prebiotic value. Equipment for processing with immobilized enzymes and obtaining optimum concentrations of substrate and enzymes

martes, 9 de enero de 2018

CIP solutions & equipments 24 hours running.

Reduction soda and acid discharges.

Recovery of spent CIP Solutions

The discharge of effluent to the sewer or for on-site treatment has become increasingly expensive.
Most industries have already reduced their water consumption to a minimum.
However, efficient cleaning often produces a large volume of caustic effluent, even with CIP systems that re-use the detergent a number of times. 
However  with our technology in ©FIPO biotech , is now possible to recover more than 90% of a spent caustic solution by using pH resistant nano filtration membranes. This gives reduced operating costs and better performance that the traditional centrifugal separator method.

jueves, 4 de enero de 2018

New sports nutrition products

Native hydrolyzed protein

      With our updated membrane technology we facilitate the production of  FPC FPI (fish protein) and its hydrolyzed.

      During this simple process, different products are produced; oils, proteins and/or essential amino acids & peptides.

      These fish peptides have high bioavailability and other properties for health, not found in other protein sources.

      On the other hand and as an added value, other stream is recovered water to reuse in the industry, which is nowadays important for reducing the environmental impact.

These products are more and more required in sports nutrition market.

Oil Recovery from Water


It is increasingly necessary to optimize water consumption and reduce oily wastewater discharges from ships and industrial activities can have serious environmental impacts with potentially greater economic impacts. Current techniques of FIPO biotech offer a new route to potentially remedy contamination by oils.