FIPO BIOTECH empresa de ingenieria y proyectos

lunes, 31 de julio de 2017

Equipo de clarificación desnate de grasa aceite omega impurezas finos

Egg protein

            The native protein concentrates EPC & EPI are different from whey protein concentrates, fish or other.

            It also has many other health benefits like boosting your immune system. Studies have shown that the highest quality, and the most easily digestible protein is solubel protein or hydrolyzed protein.

            Thanks to its ingredients, it has even better effects on muscle building than other products.

Se verde

Pasos para reducir su huella de carbono

¿Es posible conciliar la mejora de la competitividad de las industrias alimentarias con el ahorro energético y la sostenibilidad medioambiental?

Cada vez mes es mas necesario y entre todos,  industrias y ciudades, se puede mejorar las emisiones de CO2.

Call us;
Natural production of Stevia with  >= 95%  RebA
Proteins easily lose their biological function and/or overall stability

Temperatures above 55°C will denature most solubles proteins anabolic properties

Our equipment allows to obtain the proteins in their native state
Energy Audit / Environmental Integration
          With the new laws, together with its regulatory development, has entailed new requirements and a relevant change both in the new procedures of the Integrated Environmental Authorization of IPPC companies, and in the periodic updates.
          Linked to this need, is the improvement of energy consumption ratios updating the processes with the Best Available Techniques (BATs).
          More information can be seen in;

If you need more details or information, contact us!

Be Green

Steps to reduce your carbon footprint

Is it possible to reconcile the improvement of the competitiveness of food industries with energy saving and environmental sustainability?

Industries and cities are encouraged to improve its CO2 emissions.

Call us;

martes, 25 de julio de 2017

Fisheries High quality Fishmeal production. Stickwater and other protein...

Rennet; method for the purification all types of rennet

Is Stevia Safe? Is Stevia Bad? Ecological Stevia Extract 95%

Lactic acid

            Turnkey project

            Lactic acid has a wide range of applications in the food, chemical, pharmaceutical, chemical and cosmetic industries, among others. Research in L (+) and D (-) lactic acid has recently been accelerated by biotechnology, due to its possibility of transformation into biodegradable poly-lactic acid (PLA).

            The efforts in lactic acid research are focused on reducing production costs through new substrates, new technologies of fermentation and separation, and new microorganisms capable of achieving high concentrations of lactic acid, high yields and high productivity.

            If you are interested in this process line, we are your best option to carry it out       

lunes, 24 de julio de 2017

Fisheries High quality Fishmeal production. Stickwater and other protein...

Is milk without lactose the same as milk without sugars? (glucose)

Principal Differences 

©FIPO biotech Innovative Solutions offers equipments to produce this kind of products in a natural way. . Dairy manufacturers can make lactose free versions of milk and other dairy products By chemical methods or by natural methods. Lactose free and delactosed dairy products are not equal. Learning the difference is important
Protein WPC y WPI separation and reuse

Cost / Profits

Target; Fractionation of the protein for their own consumption in the own companies with / without demineralization.

If you need detailed information on costs, return on investment, minimum required whey/milk volume, previous and subsequent treatments of protein, we are at your disposal to advance in this application whose payback is interesting

domingo, 23 de julio de 2017

starts the 2017 northwest  rally competition.

FIPO biotech ride on time

 Delactosed & Lactose Free Milk


Principal Differences 

©FIPO biotech Innovative Solutions offers equipments to produce this kind of products in a natural way. . Dairy manufacturers can make lactose free versions of milk and other dairy products By chemical methods or by natural methods. Lactose free and delactosed dairy products are not equal. Learning the difference is important
Protein and lactose production in the Nile delta. Egypt.

                                     Costs / benefits

Targets; production of whey powder, whey protein concentrated and edible lactose.

            We have all the study of engineering, quantities, costs, payback ... for the recovery of more than one million liters per day of whey in the Nile delta area

If you are interested in this project, please contact us at;
Protein production by Microfiltration & Ultrafiltration equipment Shipping for México

Industries applications and solutions


 improving performance

Improving performance through  innovations is a key market trens, and this is exactly what FIPO biotech delivers.
As a key provider of such solutions for industrial markets, FIPO biotech offers a broad-range of customers focused solutions.
Wherever you are, FIPO biotech offers solutions and high quality services for your market.

Salmueras limpieza clarificacion sistema sin membranas ni diatomeas ni ...

lunes, 10 de julio de 2017

Evitar el uso de cloro u otros desinfectantes del agua

Aunque el cloro u otros agentes consiguen desinfectar el agua en gran medida, algunas bacterias y otros microorganismos son muy resistentes y resultan difíciles de eliminar. Además, en ocasiones los componentes de estos desinfectantes pueden ser perjudiciales para la salud humana.
Degreasing machine / bath

            The most common water saving methods are bath treatment systems that extend the service life od the baths

            Ultrafiltration at the desgreasing bath stage. (see video attached)

Are your energy costs too high?

Are you looking to save money by reducing energy costs?

Contact us for a complete energy audit and analysis!

miércoles, 5 de julio de 2017

See how we can help maximize the efficiency of your operations!

Designed to reduce costs

Energy Yield and Performance production Ratios is our business


lunes, 3 de julio de 2017

Energy Efficiency Improvement and Cost Saving

Energy audit is a comprehensive review of billing records designed to reduce loss and increase needed revenue
Fisheries and Aquaculture Industry

Water recovery

Some examples are the direct recovery of protein from pumping water, fish meal and oil production from off-cuts
Diferencias entre leche libre de lactosa y lactosa

Soluciones innovadoras. Los fabricantes de productos lácteos pueden fabricar versiones sin lactosa de leche y otros productos lácteos Por métodos químicos o por métodos naturales. Los productos lácteos sin lactosa y delactosados no son iguales. Aprender la diferencia es importante
Se descubre una extraña nueva forma de agua

Científicos de la Universidad de Estocolmo han descubierto dos fases del líquido del agua con grandes diferencias en estructura y densidad, gracias a estudios experimentales utilizando rayos X.
Nile delta from Cairo to Alejandria and Damietta. Egypt

                                     Whey Protein powder production
Costs / benefits

Targets; production of whey powder, whey protein concentrated and edible lactose.

            We have all the study of engineering, quantities, costs, payback ... for the recovery of more than one million liters per day of whey in the Nile delta area

If you are interested in this project, please contact us at;

domingo, 2 de julio de 2017

 Delactosed & Lactose Free Milk



Innovative Solutions. Dairy manufacturers can make lactose free versions of milk and other dairy products By chemical methods or by natural methods. Lactose free and delactosed dairy products are not equal. Learning the difference is important